a graphic novel series
updates every Friday
s t a r t | l a t e s t | a r c h i v e | a b o u t | l i n k s | c o n t a c t |
Book 1 Kickstarter Update + Book 2 DevelopmentFEBRUARY 6th, 2015We're so close to going to print with book one! We should have more news next week on that which we'll promptly post in the updates section on Kickstarter HERE. Once we're on the other side of all of this printing business, we'll figure out how to tackle book two. It's quite an undertaking -- creatively and monetarily -- but we want to find a way forward because we're eager to keep going on the story. Until then, if you know anyone who might enjoy book one, please share a link! |
K I C K S T A R T E R S U C C E S S !SEPTEMBER 22nd, 2014 |
C O R V I D S A R E A M A Z I N G C R E A T U R E SAPRIL 22nd, 2014 |
B A C K T O O N C E A W E E K U P D A T E SMARCH 25th, 2014Until further notice, we're going back to a once-a-week posting schedule. The story will update every Friday, effective immediately. We'll do our best to get back to twice a week. |
A N E X T R A P A G E E V E R Y S I N G L E W E E K !OCTOBER 22nd, 2013After more than 6 months of once-a-week updates, David and I have decided it's time to kick this thing into a higher gear. The most common complaint we've heard (by far) has been from readers wanting more pages, faster. Well, we've heard you, so starting now, we're posting new content every Tuesday and Friday. Enjoy the new pace! |
Alternative Press Expo (APE) 2013SAN FRANCICSO, OCTOBER 12th — 13thI have a table at this year's Alternative Press Expo, so if you're in the Bay Area over the weekend of October 12th & 13th, please stop by and say hello! (TABLE #534) Attendees will have a chance to win free, hardcover, numbered, limited Kickstarter editions of the first volume of one of my other graphic novel series -- 13 Legends! ( 13legends.com ) These copies are from a tiny stash leftover from a 2012 Kickstarter campaign, and are not available for sale. The only way to get this particular edition is to win it! ![]() |
© 2014 Midnight IPM, LLC